Before you quit on that journey to a better you…
Remember WHY you started in the first place.
And answer this question sincerely;
Do you want to go back to the weak/mediocre version of yourself that gave you pain, regrets and unending anxiety?
Do you?
Wasn’t it because you got fed up of the weak version of you that made you embarked on this journey?
So, why do you wanna quit now?
You think the journey to the best version of yourself will be all smooth and filled with smells of roses
… or the sight of gold?
If it’s like that, you won’t even enjoy the journey.
The road to success is not a straight line.
It is an adventure.
And you know why adventure is sweeeeeeet?
Because it is:
📌 unusual
📌 exciting
📌 and thrilling
So the challenges you’re facing now are all part of the adventure.
So, instead of quitting and return back to an obsolete version of yourself…
Dare to keep pushing and moving ahead.
When the going gets tough,
Let the thoughts of your destination fuel you!
Think about the reward and transformation waiting for you at the other end.
You’re already transforming.
You may not see it now though, but…
Every day you show up to keep pushing, you become more resilient, smart, and Sharp.
You’re winning, buddy.
Don’t let your current struggle tell you otherwise.
I’m rooting for you.
Stay Sharp
P.S. Share this to someone who may need it. Thanks