You’ll look like your parents till you become an adult, and from then…
You’ll be begin to look like your decisions.
It’s the reason I’ll never stop being a student of personal development, because…
The day I sleep on it,
it’s the day I start to fall apart.
And I don’t want that for me.
Don’t want that for you too, my friend.
There are some things we shouldn’t be asking God because…
He already gave us brains to help us figure it out.
We always want to run away from responsibility or anything that’ll demand us to exercise out discipline.
No, I’m not drifting.
Still on the talk about looking like our decisions.
Look at your life right now, are you happy with where you are.
Are you happy with the kinda person you’re becoming?
If yes, congrats, keep pushing.
If not…
You’ve got to visit the drawing table.
Change the decisions and actions you’ve been making, so you can change your life!
You can always hit the reset button NOW.
Don’t wait till tomorrow.
Restart now.
Stay Sharp!