Face your traumas

The best way to heal from your traumatic experiences is to FACE them head-on.

  • Cos if you keep running away from them.

They’ll keep getting a stronger hold against you.

And if your traumas have a hold over you…

It makes you their slave.

Imagine being chained and controlled over something that happened to you.

Oh, maybe people were cruel to you in the past…

And so?

Or you were betrayed by a loved one…

And so fucking what?

Why do you wanna keep being a victim?

Hey, I’m not even trying to trash your pains and emotions, nah.

It hurts, I know.

Mheen, sometimes those experiences are soul-crushing, especially when being taken advantage of – or betrayed by the very ones you trust.

It sucks, mheen.


Will you continue to swim in the river of self-pity?

C’mon nau.

Stop it!

Things happen.

Sometimes, people change for better – or worse.

And if they stoop low to become worse and stab you in the back – and made you look stupid for trusting them…

It’s all good.

It’s their loss.

They lost you for good.

Imagine fumbling you and the best intentions you had for them.

Again, their loss.

They may regret their actions later – or not.


One thing is certain,

their chapter in your life is over.

… and for the right reasons.

Maybe they came to teach you how to deal with betrayal, heartbreak, or being used.


Feel the pain

Learn the lesson



Move the fvck on!

Stop rethinking about the past and the things you could’ve done to change things.

Just stop it, please.

That’s a waste of time.

And that’s like opening the wound again.

Because the more you think about the different things you could’ve done to prevent whatever caused your traumatic experience…

The more you’ll feel:

– pained

– weakened

– disempowered

And when you feel those negative energy…

You won’t be in the right head space to do meaningful things with your time and energy.

You’ll just be feeling bitter and pained over something that was beyond your control.

Stop na.

You smart pass like dat abeg.

Face your traumas till they don’t mean shit to you anymore.

Take charge of your life.

Convert all the bad experiences you may have encountered in the past into fuel.

Use the fuel to drive yourself into

the life of your dream.

Kill that victim mentality that’s making you a slave to your trauma.

Yes, they are the past.

Yes, they may have broken you then

But now?

You’re a more aware and better version of yourself.

Isn’t that a big flex?


The best revenge is success!

Stop being a victim of your past.



Move on

And level up!


Stay Sharp!

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