About Fear

They said, “fear is a learned habit.”

And if you sit down to think about it, it’s true.

Want proof?

Take some time to watch little kids play.

You’d see that they may even want to walk into a fire while giggling. 😀


Because they don’t know what fear is.

… until parents, or siblings or neighbors start shouting at them to stop doing some things- out of shock.

When this is done over time,

The effects of the shouts and shock would register in the child’s brain as a danger signal.


Whenever the child is doing something wrong or dangerous without fear – and someone shouts at him…

It’ll trigger the danger signal in his brain and he’ll stop.

When that danger signal is triggered consistently, it’ll become a fear alarm.

And that’s how children grow from becoming fearless into becoming fearful adults.

Why am I telling you all these on this chill start of a new week?


It’s because I want you to be BOLD again.

Bold about setting goals for yourself – and achieving them.

Bold to let go of the fear of failing.

Bold to let go of the fear of feeling you are not enough.

Bold to let go of the fear of what people would say if you fail.

… so that you can FOCUS all your energy in putting in the work.

Work that’ll transform your life for the best.

You need to be bold and focused – to build your life and working on your goals.

The great life you want won’t just happen.

And if you keep allowing fear to stop you from doing the necessary things…

You will grow old to live an unhappy and regretful life.

Is that what you want for yourself?



Start taking action regardless of how you feel  – or what you fear.

Most times what you fear is not even real , it’s just your brain making scenes up.

And if you fear to start because of what people would say…

What if they are not watching you?

What if they are too occupied by their challenges to pay attention to your work or flaws?

On the flip side…

What if they’ll give you the support and encouragement you need to keep growing?

Oh, you haven’t thought about it from this angle, right?

It’s okay.

It’s fear that makes us only think of the negative sides of things without looking at the bright sides.


You can change it now sha.

Because just as fear is learned…

Fear can be unlearned too!


By taking action.

Take action while looking at the bright sides.

It doesn’t mean everything will work out fine or guarantee success in all you do, but…

It’ll put you miles ahead of people who are not taking action to improve their lives/biz – because they’re paralyzed by fear.

Do you get it?

Cure fear with action.

That’s how you become better.

That’s how you’ll become the best of YOU.

And that’s how you’ll achieve all your goals.

August is almost over.

You can use this week to start taking action.

You have the gift of now to work on your life.

Use it to the fullest.

To avoid regrets in the future.

At the end of our productive lives…

We’d regret the things we didn’t do… or chances we didn’t take because we allowed fear to stop us.

You don’t want that, neither do I.


Give fear your middle finger and get to work now, buddy!


Stay Sharp

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